

Welcome to There V Goes: A Guide To Experiencing The World. I hope it inspires you to go experience the world!

Remote Beach Day off the Coast of Cape Cod

Remote Beach Day off the Coast of Cape Cod

North Beach is a remote beach just off the coast of Chatham, MA, a short ferry ride away from the fish pier.  Every year, we try to make it to North Beach at least once.   It takes a little bit of work to get there but the payoff is having a beach all to yourself.   The adventure begins at the Chatham Fish Pier. 


We arrived before 10, the fishermen wrapping up a long morning on the ocean. The boats, loaded with the day’s catch were ready to be transferred to the trucks that would take the fish to Boston.   Over the years, the seals have learned to expect the fishermen and the scraps of leftover fish that follow, so the area is covered with seal pups twisting and rolling through the cold Cape waters ready to put on a show for you in hopes you’ll throw some fish their way.     


Captain Jim and his golden retriever were waiting with a small craft that fits maybe 12 people.   “Rascal Flatts!”, he yelled as he pulled out his small ledger he uses to write the names of the people he takes and the time they want to be picked up from North Beach.  This has been his greeting to my super blonde husband for as long as I can remember.    


We loaded our stuff onto the Beachcomber and Captain Jim pulled away from the dock slowly, headed South passed Chatham Bars Inn.   Along the way, families of seals huddled together, were sunning themselves on the warm sandbar. The inquisitive ones, brave enough to swim close, looked up at us in curiosity.   


Soon enough, the boat had slowed down.  Chairs over our backs, we jumped off the back of the boat into the warm shallow waters.  You could stop here and spend the day on the South side of the sand bar.   But that’s not what we are here for. We walked up the dune, to a small long path surrounded on both sides by the sound of the beach grass rustling in the wind.  What greeted us on the other side was an empty beach with only the sound of the waves to disturb us. 


We slept, we swam, and combed the beach for perfect shells, rocks, and sea glass for our shadow box.  


Later that day, back at the fish pier, I switched out of my suit, traded flip flops for some Jacks, and headed to the Beach House at Chatham Bars Inn for some post beach cocktails and lobster nachos.  

Dinner on the Dunes of the Cape

Dinner on the Dunes of the Cape

Paloma Beach, St Jean Cap Ferrat

Paloma Beach, St Jean Cap Ferrat